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Bitcoin: Percent Addresses in Profit


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What is This Chart Showing?

This chart shows the proportion of distinct addresses holding bitcoin where the average purchase price is beneath the current market value.

"Purchase price" refers to the price of Bitcoin at the moment bitcoins were moved into an address.

It is the inverse chart of Percent Addresses in Loss.

Why is this chart useful?

It can be useful to track market sentiment over time as it is able to show the extent to which the general market is holding onto bitcoin at a profit, or at a loss.

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Precio Realizado

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Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) screenshot
Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR)

SOPR tracks the profit margin of all moved bitcoins in a given time period.

Indicador de Sentimiento de las Direcciones Activas screenshot
Indicador de Sentimiento de las Direcciones Activas

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Cancela en cualquier momento.

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